qCancer® Risk Expanded. Simultaneous analysis of +40 genes highly associated to hereditary cancer

qCancer®: Medicine of the future

The qCancer panels are qGenomics’ commitment to predictive and personalized medicine. Thanks to the use of NGS technology we are able to diagnose hereditary predispositions to develop tumors much more efficiently than before. Identifying individuals that have a higher risk of developing neoplasms is an approach to the medicine of the future, where cancer diagnoses will be diagnosed in increasingly earlier stages and where we can even avoid its manifestation. The knowledge of the carrier status of a mutation that predisposes for the development of certain neoplasms translates into benefits at different levels: medical controls adjusted to the risk of each individual, possibility of taking measures that allow us to prevent the onset of cancer and, in the case of affected people, a potential therapeutic benefit.

qGenomics offers the study of groups of genes associated with cancer risk based on the needs of specialists and their patients. These genes are analyzed by NGS techniques in combination with classical approaches of molecular genetics, when necessary.

GeneAssociated PhenotypeOMIM disease ID
APCFamilial Poliposis of the colon175100
ATMBreast cancer, susceptibility to114480
BARD1Breast cancer, susceptibility to114480
BMPR1AJuvenile polyposis syndrome, infantile form174900
BRCA1Breast-ovarian familial cancer, suspectibility to, 1604370
BRCA1Pancreatic cancer, susceptibility to, 4614320
BRCA2Breast-ovarian familial cancer, suspectibility to, 2612555
BRIP1Breast cancer, early-onset114480
CDH1Gastric cancer, familial diffuse, with or without cleft lip and/or palate137215
CDH1Breast cancer, lobular, susceptibility to114480
CDH1Prostate cancer, susceptibility to176807
CDK4{Melanoma, cutaneous malignant, 3}609048
CDKN2AMelanoma and neural system tumor syndrome155755
CDKN2APancreatic cancer/melanoma syndrome606719
CDKN2AMelanoma, cutaneous malignant, 2, susceptibility to155601
CHEK2Li-Fraumeni syndrome609265
CHEK2{Breast cancer, susceptibility to}114480
CHEK2{Prostate cancer, familial, susceptibility to}176807
CHEK2{Breast and colorrectal cancer, susceptibility to}
EPCAMColorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 8613244
FHLeiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer150800
FLCNColorectal cancer, somatic114500
FLCNRenal carcinoma, chromophobe, somatic144700
MAX{Pheochromocytoma, susceptibility to}171300
MEN1Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1131100
METRenal cell carcinoma, papillary, 1, familial and somatic605074
MITF{Melanoma, cutaneous malignant, susceptibility to, 8}614456
MLH1Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 2609310
MRE11AAtaxia-telangiectasia-like disorder604391
MSH2Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 1; Lynch syndrome, 2120435
MSH6Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 5614350
MSH6Endometrial cancer, familial608089
MUTYHAdenomas, multiple colorectal608456
NBNNijmegen breakage syndrome251260
NF1Neurofibromatosis, type 1162200
PALB2Breast cancer, susceptibility to}114480
PALB2Pancreatic cancer, susceptibility to, 3613348
PMS2Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 4614337
POLD1Colorectal cancer, susceptibility to, 10612591
POLEColorectal cancer, susceptibility to, 12615083
PTENGlioma susceptibility 2613028
RAD50Nijmegen breakage syndrome-like disorder613078
RAD51CBreast-ovarian cancer, familial, susceptibility to, 3613399
RAD51DBreast-ovarian cancer, familial, susceptibility to, 4614291
RETMedullary thyroid carcinoma155240
RETMultiple endocrine neoplasia IIA171400
RETMultiple endocrine neoplasia IIB162300
SDHAF2Paragangliomas 2601650
SDHBCowden syndrome 2612359
SDHBParagangliomas 4115310
SDHCParagangliomas 3605373
SDHDCarcinoid tumors, intestinal114900
SDHDParagangliomas 1, with or without deafness168000
SDHDCowden syndrome 3615106
SMAD4Polyposis, juvenile intestinal174900
SMAD4Juvenile polyposis/hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome175050
STK11Peutz-Jeghers syndrome175200
STK11Pancreatic cancer260350
TMEM127Pheochromocytoma, susceptibility to171300
TP53Breast cancer114480
TP53Colorectal cancer114500
TP53Li-Fraumeni syndrome151623
TP53Pancreatic cancer260350
TP53Basal cell carcinoma, 7614740
TP53Glioma susceptibility 1137800
TSC1Tuberous sclerosis, type 1191100
TSC2Tuberous scleroris, type 2613254
VHLRenal cell carcinoma144700
VHLvon Hippel-Lindau syndrome193300

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