RNAseq. Transcriptome analysis

The use of NGS strategies for the study of the transcriptome allows the analysis of gene expression, the study of splicing variants and expression of specific alleles, and the detection of variants of rare and / or new transcripts. Unlike microarrays, which are based only on the known transcripts contained in the array, NGS offers an unparalleled view on the transcriptome of a specific tissue or cell type.

Additionally, it also allows the performance of transcriptome analysis in organisms with no available reference genome (de novo transcriptome sequencing).

Digital Gene Expression

By «reading» of small portions of sequence (which we call ‘tags’) of a length of 21 nucleotides on average, it is possible to discriminate the majority of human transcripts, and get enough coverage to measure, reliably , the expression levels of genes through six orders of magnitude.